On browsing other peoples biography sections on their websites we came across this little excerpt about a young man called Gareth:
"Over two decades of extensive back-roads cycling in Central and South America and the Caribbean, Gareth has crossed deserts, jungles, mountains, savannas, salt flats, littorals, shantytowns, and megacities, and has encountered every kind of animal, plant, and person. He has survived droughts, hurricanes, avalanches, floods, insect swarms, stomach parasites, muggings, street fights, civil unrest, animal attacks, and the hemisphere’s most dangerous roads."
Although our first inclination was to change the name and copy and paste this daring list of accomplishments, we thought we'd give a more accurate portrayal of ourselves.
We haven't done a single one of those things.
We are Anna Viets and Matt Davis, her from the US and him from England. Both 25, both strikingly attractive and both terribly disorganized and unprepared for what is about to begin.
We met in Vietnam in 2011 and fell messily in love. We worked as English teachers (and Santa) until the summer of 2013 when the time came to leave Vietnam. Matt departed for a 3 month, over-land trip back to England on his motorbike, while Anna boxed up their pet cat, Cat, and flew home to Vermont, where she worked doing odd-jobs as well as teaching English to refugees. After Matt finished his transcontinental adventure, they reunited, settling in Vermont where they have spent the last few months attempting to prepare for this two wheeled adventure.
Anna is, although slightly less good looking, slightly more experienced. She spent a month in 2012 cycling the length of Vietnam, from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City. And it was after watching a video of that trip that nostalgia got the better of her and our plans were altered. A short trip to South America escalated quickly into a 13,000 km cycle ride from the tip of Patagonia to the northern beaches of Venezuela.
Anna's cycling venture, H2H (Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City), was part of a yearly charity event done by mostly ex-pat teachers living in HCMC, Vietnam. During H2H 2012, the 18 riders managed to raise over $40,000 which went directly to 3 children's charities and helped to fund several awesome projects, including a brand new kindergarden classroom for a small town in Northern Vietnam. It was an incredible experience and the best way to come to understand Vietnam. We know that our time in South America will be rewarding in unimaginable ways and we would like to return the favor by helping in whatever ways we can.
If you have read all the way to the end without skipping anything then we're proud of you and feel sure that after a short break and a stretch you will check out the rest of the blog. Namely the charity section which will tell you all you need to know about the great work of Casa de Sara.
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